Friday, December 28, 2012

foolproof hazelnut cake (gluten free) recipe

I needed a simple cake fast for a kids birthday party (we have way to many at this time of the year) and after realizing that I am out of flour I did a hazelnut cake that never fails. The recipe is an adoption from "Minnchen Haselnusstorte". I reduced the sugar and eggs which is hard to believe and increased the hazelnut content.
It is still a very very moist cake and you can add at least two layers without  being a great pastry chef. For the layers you can use any kind of frosting you like. Easy ones would be whip cream or jam (raspberry is my personal favorite).

what you need:

400 g grounded hazelnuts

150 g turbine sugar
10 eggs
100g dark chocolate for frosting
as desired raspberry jam
some parchment paper


what you do:  
  • separate the eggs  
  • beat the egg whites until they are stiff
  • mix in a large bowl the rest of the ingredients
  • add the stiff egg white rather carefully, do not over mix, so the cake stays fluffy.
  • grease a baking pan
  • pour the batter in
  • bake for 30-40 minutes at 380 Fahrenheit
  • let it cool down
  • cut the cake lengthwise in 1-2 layers
  • add the desired creme or jam
  • warm up the chocolate in a hot water bath or microwave
  • place some parchment paper under the sides of the cake, to keep the plate clean and cover cake with chocolate

Guten Appetit!

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