Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Orangeat and Zitronat recipe (candid orange & lemon)

This year I forgot to stock up on Zitronat and Orangeat when I was in Germany. Those ingredients are very essential for German Christmas cookies and I still have not found it locally.

Time to make it.

Ingredients for Orangeat:
2 organic Oranges (Sevilla, if available)
1 cup of sugar
1 cup water

  • wash oranges with warm water.
  • peel the oranges, if you can in nice even stripes. Peel might be not the right word, you need more than just the skin, but the white part. I used a knife to get it all.
  • toss Orange skin-peel in a pot with water the water and sugar. Boil on low for about 50 minutes.
  • move the Orangeat on a drying rack and let it dry out over night. Cut it in little pieces.

I have not figured out what to do with the left over syrup, but there must be a use?

Do exactly the same with lemons if you need Zitronat (just use lemons instead of oranges)

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