Thursday, June 7, 2012

sweet potato pancake recipe (Kartoffelpuffer inspired)

Kartoffelpuffer tastes like home for me!!! It is greasy, I admit, but just too good to live without it.
Today I tried it with sweet potatoes instead of the normal cooking potatoes. I loved the result and so did my family.

So the ingredients of the day for 4 servings are:

1 kg sweet potatoes 
1 onion
1 tsp salt
8 tbsp flour (whole wheat)
3 eggs
frying oil

how you get there:
  • peel the potatoes
  • grate them, twist them in a dish towel to get the water out
  • do I make sense???
  • mince the onion
  • beat the eggs lightly, add flour, salt and pepper and at last add the potatoes and onion
  • heat the frying pan over medium heat, add vegetable oil or butter
  • fry little pancakes, press them thin
  • flip when they start to get golden brown
  • serve hot with apple sauce
tip: if you like it fruity you can also mix a couple of peeled and grated apples in the batch.

Guten Apettit!!!

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